
Hey there ☺

Thank you for stopping by! I’m Anja (like Tanya without the T). I’m a multi disciplinary artist but my preferred medium is air dry clay. I’m a former educator and ex-professional athlete and a qualified therapist.

I started making art in 2020 when I decided to go to therapy and I was placed with an art therapist. I was sent a whole box full of arts and crafts supplies and the first thing I picked up was the clay, and I haven’t put it down since.

Making clay sculptures is therapy for me, whilst simultaneously allowing me to share with the world, the things that matter most to me. Furthermore, I hope that I can inspire others, especially those who might need an expressive outlet, to try art, any form of art, as a means of therapy.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about my work and/or the merchandise. I really appreciate your support and hopefully you found something you liked whilst visiting ☺
